The Need-to-Know Before You Go
COME RAIN AND/OR SHINE: The show will go on whatever the weather, except for extremely high winds & lightning within a certain proximity. Check our socials for any changes.
GATE TIMES: Gates are usually 60-90 minutes before showtime, but check your specific event page for exact times. Get here earlier so you can enjoy your night and not be stuck in traffic.
PARKING LOTS: GA parking is located at The Urban Towers Parking Garage. There will be directional signage and parking attendants on site to guide you to the music! VIP parking is located in the Toyota Music Factory Parking Garage. Parking is overseen by the Toyota Music Factory. You can book parking in advance by visiting https://www.parktmf.com/.
WHEN YOU GET HERE: You know the drill—metal detectors, maybe a pat down, and a bag check if you’ve got one. Be prepped—check out our bag policy, and what you can and cannot bring in our FAQs. Please don't bring a lawn chair or stadium seat - we definitely do not allow those!
MOBILE ENTRY ONLY: Before you get to the good stuff & you head to the venue, download your tickets to your phone on the Live Nation app. More info on mobile tickets here. Your phone is your ticket.
CONTACTLESS PAYMENTS ONLY: We’re a cash-free venue. Box Office, Concessions, and Merch stands will only accept credit, debit or mobile pay (such as Apple Pay or Google Pay). ATMs are located in the Toyota Music Factory Plaza, outside of the Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory.
BOX OFFICE: Only open on show days from 12 PM to 8 PM. The Box Office phone number is 214-978-4888, however it is often easier to communicate with the venue textline on show days at 214-974-4679, available from 12PM until the show ends. Please be patient as we respond to each guest on a first come, first serve base.
THE MERCH: Find that coveted merch at our Concert Gear booths located near the main entrance.
DESIGNATED DRIVERS: Are you the responsible fan tonight? The Pavilion offers complimentary fountain sodas to guests that commit to be the designated driver for their party. Head to guest services for more information.
RECYCLING: You’ll find recycling bins throughout the venue.